others SQL data science interview prep


Repeated job postings

Interview Query

Given a table of job postings, write a query to break down the number of users that have posted their jobs once versus the number of users that have posted at least one job multiple times.

job_postings table
column type
id integer
job_id integer
user_id integer
date_posted datetime
Desired output
column type
posted_jobs_once integer
posted_at_least_one_job_multiple_times integer

See my solution here.

Notification deliveries

Interview Query

We’re given two tables, a table of notification deliveries and a table of users, whose conversion_date column indicates when the user purchased LinkedIn Premium (if the user hasn’t purchased, the value is NULL.)

Write a query to get the distribution of total push notifications before a user converts to premium.

notification_deliveries table
column type
notification varchar
user_id integer
created_at datetime
users table
column type
user_id integer
created_at datetime
conversion_date datetime
Desired output
column type
total_pushes integer
frequency integer

See my solution here.


Cumulative reset

Interview Query

Given a table of users, write a query to get the cumulative number of new users added by day. Reset the count every month.

user_registrations table
columns type
id int
name varchar
created_at datetime
Desired output
date monthly cumulative
2020-01-05 5
2020-01-02 12
... ...
2020-02-01 8
2020-02-02 17
2020-02-03 23

See my solution here.

Top products

Data Science Prep

Given a table of purchase transactions, find the top three most-bought items in 2020 for each category.

product_spend table
columns type
transaction_id int
cateory_id int
product_id int
user_id int
spend float
transaction_date datetime
Desired output
category_id product_id num_sold rank
1 10 13 1
1 30 9 2
1 70 5 3
2 90 21 1
2 60 20 1
2 40 13 3

See my solution here.