others Statistics data science interview prep


Unbiased estimator


Ad raters

Interview Query

Suppose we ask users to rate ads as “good” vs “bad.” There are 2 types of raters:

  • 80% of the users are careful raters, who have a 60% probability of rating an ad as good.
  • 20% of the users are lazy raters, who rate every ad as good.


  1. Suppose 100 users rate 1 ad, independently. What is the expected number of good ads?
  2. Suppose 1 user rate 100 ads. Now what is the expected number of good ads?
  3. Suppose we have an ad rated as bad. What is the probability that the rater was lazy?

My solutions:

  1. Let G and R be random variables representing the number of good ads and type of raters, respectively. According to the law of iterated expectation (i.e. law of total expectation; LIE), we know:
\[\begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}(G) &= \mathbb{E}(\mathbb{E}(G|R))\\ &= \mathbb{E}(G|R=careful)\cdot\mathbb{P}(R=careful) + \mathbb{E}(G|R=lazy)\cdot\mathbb{P}(R=lazy)\\ $= \mathbb{P}(G=g|R=careful)g &= [0.6(0.8) + 1(0.2)]100\\ &= 68 \end{aligned}\]